Staying healthier begins at home
Jan. 26, 2021
Besides washing our hands and maintaining good grooming habits, there are many simple ways to maintain better physical and mental health during these stay at home times. At Melia Homes, we want you and your loved ones to feel your best.
Choose healthier foods: Include fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Foods that are organically grown offer a purer source of food for your body to digest. Produce in season right now includes avocados, broccoli, cauliflower, clementines, grapefruit, green beans, mushrooms, peas, spinach, and lots more.
Hydrate: Drink more water. Once you start, it will become a habit. One good rule is to drink an entire glass of water as soon as you wake up each day and before each meal.
Stretch: Take breaks to stretch throughout the day. Fresh air is important as well. Wear a mask and take a walk around the block daily to get a change of scenery. At home fitness apps are also very convenient to help maintain a fitness routine.
Get better sleep: Put smart devices away a few hours before bedtime. The same goes for watching television. Start a gadget-free, and tranquil routine before bed. This will help your mind be ready to get to sleep easier.